hs-strict-identity | | Strict Identity Monad, handy for writing fast code! |
hs-syb | | Haskell Scrap Your Boilerplate Library |
hs-tabular | | Two-dimensional data tables with rendering functions |
hs-tagged | | Haskell 98 phantom types to avoid unsafely passing dummy arguments |
hs-tasty | | Modern and extensible testing framework |
hs-tasty-expected-failure | | Mark tasty tests as failure expected |
hs-tasty-golden | | Golden tests support for tasty |
hs-tasty-hunit | | HUnit support for the Tasty test framework |
hs-tasty-quickcheck | | QuickCheck support for the Tasty test framework |
hs-tasty-rerun | | Rerun only tests which failed in a previous test run |
hs-terminal-size | | Get terminal window height and width |
hs-tf-random | | High-quality splittable pseudorandom number generator |
hs-th-abstraction | | Nicer interface for reified information about data types |
hs-th-compat | | Backward- (and forward-)compatible Quote and Code types |
hs-th-env | | Template Haskell splice that expands to an environment variable |
hs-th-expand-syns | | Expands type synonyms in Template Haskell ASTs |
hs-th-lift | | Derive Template Haskell's Lift class for datatypes |
hs-th-lift-instances | | Lift instances for template-haskell for common data types |
hs-th-orphans | | Orphan instances for TH datatypes |
hs-th-reify-many | | Recurseively reify template haskell datatype info |
hs-these | | Either-or-both data type |
hs-timeit | | Time monadic computations with an IO base |
hs-transformers-base | | Lift computations from the bottom of a transformer stack |
hs-transformers-compat | | Small compatibility shim exposing the new types |
hs-trial | | Trial Data Structure |
hs-trial-optparse-applicative | | Trial helper functions for optparse-applicative |
hs-tuple | | Various functions on tuples |
hs-tuples | | Small monomorphic tuples |
hs-turtle | | Shell programming, Haskell-style |
hs-type-equality | | Data.Type.Equality compat package |
hs-uglymemo | | Simple (but internally ugly) memoization function |
hs-unagi-chan | | Fast concurrent queues with a Chan-like API, and more |
hs-unbounded-delays | | Unbounded thread delays and timeouts |
hs-uniplate | | Help writing simple, concise and fast generic operations |
hs-unix-compat | | Portable POSIX-compatibility layer |
hs-unlifted | | Unlifted and levity-polymorphic types |
hs-unliftio | | The MonadUnliftIO typeclass along with a number of common instances |
hs-unliftio-core | | The MonadUnliftIO typeclass for unlifting monads to IO |
hs-unordered-containers | | Efficient hashing-based container types |
hs-utf8-string | | Support for reading and writing UTF8 Strings |
hs-utility-ht | | Various small helper functions for Lists, Maybes, Tuples, Functions |
hs-uuid | | For creating, comparing, parsing and printing UUIDs |
hs-uuid-types | | Type definitions for Universally Unique Identifiers |
hs-validation-selective | | Lighweight pure data validation |
hs-vault | | Persistent store for values of arbitrary types |
hs-vector | | Efficient Arrays for Haskell |
hs-vector-algorithms | | Efficient algorithms for vector arrays |
hs-vector-binary-instances | | Instances of Data.Binary for vector |
hs-vector-instances | | Orphan Instances for 'Data.Vector' |
hs-vector-stream | | Efficient Streams for Haskell |
hs-vector-th-unbox | | Deriver for Data.Vector.Unboxed using Template Haskell |
hs-versions | | Types and parsers for software version numbers |
hs-void | | Haskell 98 logically uninhabited data type |
hs-wide-word | | Data types for large but fixed width signed and unsigned integers |
hs-with-utf8 | | Get your IO right on the first try |
hs-witherable | | Filterable traversable |
hs-wizards | | High level, generic library for interrogative user interfaces |
hs-word-compat | | Compatibility shim for the Int/Word internal change in GHC 9.2 |
hs-word8 | | Word8 library |
hs-zigzag | | Zigzag encoding of integers into unsigned integers |
ht | | Viewer, editor and analyzer for text, binary and executable files |
hugs-HUnit | | Unit testing framework for Haskell (Hugs package) |
hugs-unix | | Haskell abstraction for POSIX functionality (Hugs package) |
humungus | | Mercurial server |
hyperscan | | High-performance regular expression matching library |
iaito | | Official Qt frontend of radare2 |
icestorm | | Lattice iCE40 FPGAs Bitstream Documentation and tools |
idiff | | Interactive front-end to diff(1) |
idutils | | Classic Berkeley gid/lid tools for looking up variables in code |
imake | | Obsolete build tool for X software |
immer | | Postmodern immutable and persistent data structures for C++ |
include-what-you-use | | Analyze #includes in C and C++ source files |
iniparser | | Free stand-alone ini file parsing library |
intel2gas | | Convert nasm source files to gas source files |
intellij-ce-bin | | JetBrain's Java IDE |
intellij-ue-bin | | JetBrain's Java IDE, ultimate edition |
intltool (V) | | Internationalization Tool Collection |
isect | | Open source middleware daemon |
ivykis | | Asynchronous I/O readiness notification library |
jam | | Program construction tool, like make(1) |
jason (V) | | Java-based interpreter for an extended version of AgentSpeak |
java-gson (V) | | Library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back |
java-jna | | JNA provides Java programs easy access to native shared libraries |
java-protobuf (V) | | Java bindings for protobuf |
java-subversion | | Java bindings for Subversion |
javacc | | Java Compiler Compiler [tm] |
javadeps | | Automatic dependency tracking for Java |
javascript-mode (V) | | Javascript major mode for Emacs |
jd-gui | | Standalone Java byte code decompiler |
jde (V) | | Full-featured Java editing mode for emacs |
jdebp-redo | | C++ implementation of DJB's redo build tool |
jemalloc | | General purpose malloc(3) implementation |
jenkins | | Open source continuous integration server (weekly release) |
jenkins-lts | | Open source continuous integration server (LTS release) |
jflex | | Fast lexical analyzer generator for Java |
jj | | Git-compatible DVCS that is both simple and powerful |
jj-docs | | Documentation for jj |
jq | | Command-line JSON processor |
js_of_ocaml | | Compiler of OCaml bytecode to Javascript |
js_of_ocaml-ocamlbuild | | Compiler of OCaml bytecode to Javascript |